How do I pray when I don’t know how to pray?

"Lord, teach us to pray." This request comes from an unnamed disciple in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 11:1). Although Jesus' response to this request is what we call the Lord's Prayer, the whole of the Bible is God's full response to the request to learn how to pray. Prayer is hard, strange, and mysterious. God does not leave us alone in the difficulty - he gives us the Bible as a script for our conversation with him.

The prayers in this book all come from a Denver Institute podcast called Teach us to Pray. Each prayer references the Bible passage it is based on, and also includes a link to that Teach us to Pray episode.

We hope this resource will help you:

  • Explore scripture and themes to guide your conversation with God
  • Further connect prayer to your daily work 
  • Develop a rhythm of prayer in your workplace 
  • Cultivate an awareness of what God is doing in your life 

You can use this resource in whatever way works for you:

  • Read through the twenty prayers twenty days in a row 
  • Spread the prayers out and come back to them as you feel called 
  • Find someone else to join you - a trusted friend, spouse, family member, or coworker
  • Use a journal to write down your own prayers alongside the ones in this book 
  • There is no wrong way to use it!

Once you fill out your information and hit "Submit" below, you'll receive an email with a PDF download file of the resource. 

Questions? Email [email protected].

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