The Workshop is a network for faith-integrated business founders and owners, designed to help them connect with each other and lead with Christ for the sake of their ventures, employees, and stakeholders. Denver Institute previously hosted quarterly gatherings like this for two years, formerly called the “Founder’s Forum” (started by the DIFW founder, Jeff Haanen).
Our next breakfast will be February 14 at the North Denver workshop of Nathaniel Shue - the founder and owner of The Butcher & Swede custom fabrications and Genesis Cabinets. We’ll provide a light breakfast and cap attendance to keep things relational in nature. At this Q1 gathering, we’ll explore practical issues related to the tension between our business performance pressures and our deeper identity in Christ. Find more event information and RSVP here.
Can’t make this one? Mark your calendars for the next Workshop quarterlies in 2025 on May 9, August 8, and November 14, 2025.